• (559) 784-5340
  • 165 E Mill Ave - Porterville, CA

Porterville First Congregational Church

Welcome To

First Congregational Church of Porterville

Sunday Servcie

Our worship service is Sunday mornings at 10:30 and we are casual. The service includes time for sharing, worship, prayer, offering, and teaching.

Small Groups

Fellowship is the cornerstone of an effective and vital Congregational Church. Small groups are a great opportunity for fellowship and spiritual growth.

Venue Rentals

Our beautiful sanctuary, built in 1873, will seat 250 guests, and music can be provided on the historic pipe organ or through multimedia services.

About Us

The First Congregational Church of Porterville is a family called together in Christ's name: Worshiping in prayer and song Spreading the word & love of God

Join Us Sundays 10:30 AM

Sample Event

Event details would go here. Event details would go here. Event details would go here. Event details would go here. Event details would go here.

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Sample Event

Event details would go here. Event details would go here. Event details would go here. Event details would go here. Event details would go here.

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Sample Event

Event details would go here. Event details would go here. Event details would go here. Event details would go here. Event details would go here.

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Recent Sermon

Section Title

A Message from Pastor

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Donec malesuada purus turpis, non cursus augue euismod id. Aliquam diam diam, dignissim vel vehicula porta, ullamcorper pellentesque erat. Mauris luctus lobortis nisl, euismod commodo nunc vehicula in. Nullam dignissim nibh enim, at rhoncus sapien venenatis non. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis dui nibh, aliquet vitae ante sed, facilisis ultrices ex.
Cheri Taylor
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19

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First Congregational Church
The First Congregational Church of Porterville is a family called together in Christ's name.
Sunday Servcie
Join us for our weekly Sunday worship service, which starts at 10:30 am. We would love to see you there!
© 2024 Porterville First Congregational Church
Website Design By D.S.
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